Systrar at Lause

We are lucky to share an office at Lausitzer Straße 10 with many great projects and individuals. Some months ago we found out that the owner of said house wants to sell it and make it into luxury condos. We have been organizing as tenants since and are at the moment negotiating about the future of the « Lause ». You can find more information about us at our website , Facebook page  and this background article by taz in German and Danish.

And this our poster campaign made by Ça ira together with Lisa Klinkenberg, Laura Junikowski, Sylvain Mazas, Jan Ole Arps, Bini Adamczak, Jonathan Brooking (photos) and the tenants of the Lausitzer Strasse 10 & 11, displaying information on the current situation as well as the different perspectives, needs and visions of the many people living and working there. Forever Lause!

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