The team of Systrar Productions are Hanna Bergfors, Kornelia Kugler and Nadja Krüger.
Based in Berlin we work in production & organizing, conception & writing, directing, cinematography, photography, editing, graphic design, translation and subtitling. We produce full-event, music and promotional videos, documentaries and trailers for groups, organizations and artists.
In addition to our own skills, we are part of a wider community of filmmakers with whom we regularly work.
We take commissions in various fields of audio-visual production and are enthusiastic to create progressive images and concepts collaboratively.
We have worked for and with Hebbel am Ufer (HAU), Sophiensäle, Universität der Künste Berlin, Vilèm Flusser Archiv Berlin / Akademie der Künste, ZKM Karlsruhe, transmediale, Ballhaus Ost, BDA Bund Deutscher Architekten, Discover Football / Fußball und Begegnung e.V., Bündnis Kritischer Kulturpraktiker_innen, Diversity Arts Culture – Berliner Projektbüros für Diversitätsentwicklung , Berlin Postkolonial e.V., GWI Gunda-Werner-Institut für Feminismus und Geschlechterdemokratie, bff Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V., Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT), Tribunal NSU-Komplex Auflösen, Kampnagel Hamburg, Shady Lane Productions, and Villano Productions among others.
Here you can find a few recent videos:
Campaign “Von nüscht kommt nüscht” for Frauenpolitischer Rat Brandenburg. 3 video portraits to inspire women to engage in local politics.
Conception, Production, Camera, Editing, Post-production. Additional Camera: Ethan Folk. Sound and Drone: Andrea Schmidt. Motion Design: Silke Briel. Graphic Design: Lisa Klinkenberg and Lena Rossbach. Eine Kampagne des Frauenpolitischen Rats Land Brandenburg e.V. in Zusammenarbeit mit Systrar Productions, Zoff Kollektiv & Buero Achso.
Introduction video for Missy Magazine – a magazine for pop, politics and feminism.
Camera and sound. Editing: Silke Briel. Music: Planningtorock.
Instagram campaign and video series for bff – Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V. explaining the different aspects of digital violence and what to do against it. In cooperation with Zoff Kollektiv.
Conception, Production, Camera, Editing, Post-production. Sound: Gizem Oruç. Motion Design: Mayan Printz. Graphic Design: Laura Maikowski / Zoff.
Interview with Cinzia Arruzza for the feminism dossier of Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Interview, Camera, Editing, Post-production.
Zusammen mit den Grafikdesigner*innen von bildargumente und der Texter*in Cai Schmitz-Weicht haben wir die Kampagne “Was geht bei euch? Beziehungen auf Augenhöhe” für bff: Frauen gegen Gewalt e.V. (Bundesverband der Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe Deutschland) entwickelt. Die Kampagne umfasst Poster, Videos eine Website und Social Media.
Conception, Production, Camera, Editing, Post-production. Sound: Gizem Oruç.
We frequently work together with Diversity Arts Culture – Berliner Projektbüro für Diversitätsentwicklung, this “glossary of diversity” is one of the projects. You can find more of our video collaborations on their vimeo account.
Production, Camera, Editing, Post-production. Sound: Gizem Oruç. With Simone Dede Ayivi.
Audiovisual Micro-Interventions for TRIBUNAL Unraveling the NSU Complex and beyond.
Editing, post-production. With Ömer Şamlı. Filmed by Sefa Defterli.
Documentation and Interviews for the 10 year anniversary of the Gunda-Werner-Institut.
Production, Camera, Editing, Post-production. In collaboration with Zandieh Productions.
Campaign video No Humboldt 21!
A project by ISD Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland and the NGO coalition “No Humboldt 21!”
Camera, editing, post-production.
Yard Screening of Audience Emancipated: The Struggle for the Emek Movie Theater in our studio Lause Bleibt.
Organized, filmed and edited together with the Lause comrades.
Documentation videos of the 2016 and 2017 lecture series of BDA Berlin. See all videos here.
Camera, editing, post-production.
Crab Day is a short film made to accompany Cate Le Bon’s eponymous album, released via Turnstile. Directed by Phil Collins produced by Shady Lane Productions.
Production management.
Pieces & Elements is a dance piece by Isabelle Schad shown HAU Berlin.
Camera, editing, post-production.
The End of the Alphabet is a dance piece by Lea Moro premiered at Kampnagel Hamburg for which we did trailers and full documentation.
Camera, editing, post-production.
Documentation of 6 years of Social Muscle Club at Sophiensaele.
Camera, editing, post-production.
Documentation of Lea Moro‘s dance performance “(B)reaching Stillness”
Camera and editing.
Music Video for Mc Xuparina.
Production, direction, camera, editing.
In our practice we continuously work together with artists, sound recordists & designers, musicians, motion designers, and many others. We like to work with women* as much as possible to set a stance against the industries’ norms. Here are some of their web presences:
Martin Wecke / Webdesign&Graphicdesign, bildargumente / Graphic Design Liz Rosenfeld / Filmmaker&Performer, Anna Zett / Artist&Writer, Elisa Storelli / Artist&Writer, Smina Bluth / Camera, Alexa Vachon / Photography, Phill Collins / Artist, Philipp Fröhlich / Filmmaker, Simone Aughterlony / Performance, Jen Rosenblit / Performance, Ian Kaler / Performance, Clébio Oliveira / Dance, Manuela Schininá / Sounddesign&Recording, Joaquina Garrote Gasch / Artist&Webdesigner, Lisa Jugert / Artist, Juliane Meckert / Acting, Kristof Trakal / Filmmaker&Survivalist, Jochen Jezussek / Sounddesign, Christian Obermaier / Sounddesign, Ginés Olivares / Editor, Ebba Fransén Waldhör / Visual Artist, Roxy Farhat / Filmmaker, Jonas Esteban Isfält / Photography, Boris Azemar / Performance, Aleesa Cohene / Artist&Editor, Rodrigo Garcia Alves / Performance, Sarah Michelle Harrison / Artist&Writer, Noha Ramadan / Performance&Dance, Anna Schmidt / Acting, Paula Bulling / Illustration, Stefan Fähler / Illustration&Graphicdesign, Zara Zandieh / Filmmaker, Mika Risiko / Ziúr / Music, Tami T / Music, Planningtorock / Music, MC Xuparina / Music&Performance, 6zm / Music&Sounddesign, Birte Gerstenkorn / Sound recording & design nowMomentnow / moving image arts collective, Amardbird Films / Production, Schuldenberg Films / Production, Kanka Productions / Film collective, Ninotschka / Film collective